What’s Happening at CG 2/01/2023

A Note From Our Associate Pastor: Pastor Marian Royston
2 Timothy 1:7 NRSV “…for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”   The world is most assuredly different than it was at the turn of the decade. We now have insight into what life will be like in a world that has been forever changed by a global pandemic. As we weathered the hardest days of the pandemic, we learned to do life and ministry together differently. We learned many important lessons along the way. Although the past three years were undoubtedly tragic and challenging, they also forced us into new ways of thinking and being. Now is the time to apply the lessons we’ve learned as we move toward the future.
Among the lessons we’ve learned recently is that there are ways to reach new people for Christ and minister to others that we previously disregarded or deemed too risky. Now that our eyes have been opened, the possibilities are endless! However, doing things differently and taking risks can be hard. Yet, the mission to make disciples remains before us (Matthew 28:19).
As I have puzzled through all of the changes that are taking place from a ministry perspective, I have found encouragement from Paul’s words to Timothy. As Timothy faced the challenge of spreading the Gospel under dangerous circumstances and potential suffering, Paul told him that God has gifted us with the spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. The Apostle did not deny the danger and challenges ahead; instead, he reminded Timothy that he has been equipped with the spirit necessary to fulfill the calling to spread the Gospel.
We, too, have been equipped by God with everything we need to spread the Gospel in our contemporary society. As we look to the future, we must trust that God has equipped us to move ahead and lean into the gifts of power, love, and self-discipline. I pray that we lean into those gifts together.
Marian A. Royston, Associate Pastor Center Grove UMC
Click on the link below to register for
“Psalm 23: A Psalm for all Seasons” at 6:30 p.m. beginning Wednesday, January 18th.

Worship Celebration

Feb 5, 2023

Join us for our Worship Celebration on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. via In-Person, or Facebook Live on the Center Grove United Methodist Church Facebook page.

You can also join our live-streaming celebration via the following media outlets:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFfMEFeWdt294sXw_EOH7jA

Church Website: https://centergroveumc.org/

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/centergroveumc

Through our tithes and offerings, we show God how much we love him and our neighbors. Thanks to your continued generosity, Center Grove is an irresistible light in the community winning souls for Jesus Christ.

“Click Here to Give Online”

Please contact the office (church.office@centergroveumc.org or 256-851-6223), if you have questions or need assistance with these options. 
You may click the link below to register and order your book for the Church-Wide Lenten Book Study.
Jesus Revealed: The I AM Statements
In The Gospel Of John


Remember The Sick & Home-bound

Mrs. Madgie Jamar
Ms. Marjorie Ewing
Mrs. Cora King
Ms. Theresa Hope
Mr. Carl Bradley
Mrs. Barbara Baker
Mrs. Ollie Gilliam
Mr. Matthew Baker

Mrs. Patty Langford

CG Spotlight

Community Spotlight

Words of Encouragement

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