What’s Happening at CG 9/01/2021

A Note From Pastor Cowser

A Note From Our Pastor
How Do You Spend Your Time?”
After he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray.
Matthew 14:23 (NRSV)

While getting ready for church on Sundays, my cellphone sends me a notification with a summary of my cellphone usage from the previous week. I typically ignore the summary and go about my day, but last week I decided to take a look. Let’s just say the numbers were a bit high and I realized that I should examine how often I use my cellphone and other devices. After reviewing my summary, I wanted to see where I stood among other cellphone users, so I found an article online that reported that cellphone users touch their phones at least 2,600 times a day. Is it just me, or do you find that to be a bit surprising? I understand that many of us use our cellphones for more than just making phone calls, but the number still seemed a bit high to me.

Before you mark this off as just another note on the dangers of technology, I want you to join me in thinking about how we spend our time. I wonder how different our lives would be if we were to intentionally refocus some of the attention that we give to technology, and focus on other things that add meaning and value to our lives. There is no doubt that Jesus lived his life differently than most people during his time. He was fully engaged in every moment. It didn’t matter if he was surrounded by a huge crowd of people, talking one-on-one with someone or alone with God in prayer, Jesus freely gave his attention and devoted himself to doing things that added value and meaning to his life and others. 

Living with that type of intentionally takes lots of practice. It’s not something that’s going to happen instantly, but the more we practice, the easier it will become. So, I’m making a commitment to do better by putting down my cellphone a few more times during the day, so that I can be intentional about being fully present in the moment. Instead of my cellphone, I’ll pick up the Bible to read, pray, write in my journal, spend time with a friend or a relative, enjoy a healthy snack, or take a walk. I truly believe that as we strive to make these adjustments in our lives, God will speak to us in new and renewed ways.

Pastor Cowser
Center Grove United Methodist Church, Huntsville, Alabama, church in Alabama, methodist church, online worship, north alabama conference

To register for the Walking With Nehemiah weekly Bible Study, please email the Center Grove Church office at church.office@centergroveumc.org, scan the QR Code on the flyer, or click the Registration Form Link https://bit.ly/walkingwithnehemiah

Worship Celebration

Sept 12, 2021
Join us for our Men’s Day Worship Celebration at 11:00 a.m. In-Person, or via Facebook Live on the Center Grove United Methodist Church Facebook page.

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFfMEFeWdt294sXw_EOH7jA
Church Website:  https://centergroveumc.org/
Vimeo:  https://vimeo.com/event/51681

Remember The Sick & Home-bound

Mrs. Gladys Jacobs
Mrs. Madgie Jamar
Ms. Marjorie Ewing
Mrs. Cora King
Ms. Theresa Hope
Mrs. Zena Love Hill
Mr. Carl Bradley
Mrs. Barbara Baker
Mr. Bobby Readus
Mrs. Ollie Gilliam
Pastor Ruth J. Smith
Mrs. Sara M. Bradley
Mrs. Carla Larry
Mrs. Marion Hall

Community Information

Many families with aging adults are unaware of the several available memory care options and programs in their area that can help them support a high quality of life. The link below is a free resource guide that highlights the best memory care facilities in Alabama.

Check out the Memory Care Guide here: https://www.memorycare.com/memory-care-in-alabama/

Words of Encouragement

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