What’s Happening at CG 8/11/2021

A Note From Pastor Cowser

“Praying for Others”“Give us this day our daily bread.” –Matthew 6:11 (NKJV)
A true mark of Christian maturity, is if a person knows that it is just as important to pray for others as it is to pray for themselves. Simply put, we are called to intercede for others by going before the throne of God in prayer. One of the lines in the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, often referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer,” states: “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Notice how this statement in the prayer has plural pronounces, “us” and “our,” demonstrating that prayer is both individual and communal.
Prayer should not always be a list of things we want or what we need, but we should always be looking at the world around us. Think of the people you come into contact with, the situations you read about in the newspaper, or the things you hear about on television. But, do not stop there. Think of people in your family, on your job, or your fellow church members. The list goes on and on because prayer is both individual and communal.
There is a story told of an elderly lady who had been bedridden and in a nursing home for several years. She had not been able to walk or take care of herself; therefore, she needed the extra assistance. One day the pastor came by to see her and as soon as he walked into the door, he said: “Sister Hood, I’m so sorry that I’m late. I’ve been out visiting people in the community today.” She replied, “It’s okay, Reverend, that’s exactly where I’ve been.” The pastor looked confused and said, “Sister Hood, you can’t walk. You’re bedridden. What do you mean you were out in the community visiting today?” Sister Hood turned and replied, “Reverend, you see, my soul ain’t bedridden, so I got out around the community in prayer, even while I’m here in this hospital bed.”
We must remember that prayer is not a selfish act. It is not just about getting our needs met, but, it is important that we pray for the needs of all of God’s children. I encourage you to set aside some time to pray for someone else each day. Listen to your heart and lift their name before the Lord.
I’m praying for you, Pastor Cowser

Worship Celebration

August 15, 2021
Join us for our Men’s Day Worship Celebration at 11:00 a.m. In-Person, or via Facebook Live on the Center Grove United Methodist Church Facebook page.

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFfMEFeWdt294sXw_EOH7jA
Church Website:  https://centergroveumc.org/
Vimeo:  https://vimeo.com/event/51681

To register for the Walking With Nehemiah weekly Bible Study, please email the Center Grove Church office at church.office@centergroveumc.org, scan the QR Code on the flyer, or click the Registration Form Link https://bit.ly/walkingwithnehemiah

Remember The Sick & Home-bound

Mrs. Evelyn Roberson
Mrs. Gladys Jacobs
Mrs. Madgie Jamar
Ms. Marjorie Ewing
Mrs. Cora King
Ms. Theresa Hope
Mrs. Zena Love Hill
Mr. Carl Bradley
Mrs. Barbara Baker
Mr. Bobby Readus
Mrs. Ollie Gilliam
Pastor Ruth J. Smith
Mrs. Sara M. Bradley
Mrs. Carla Larry
Mrs. Marion Hall

Community Information

Please click the link below to read the full article published by Huntsville Hospital:


Words of Encouragement

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