What’s Happening at CG 12/1/2021

A Note From Our Pastor

“Prepare the Way!”
A voice is crying out: ‘Clear the Lord’s way in the desert!
Make a level highway in the wilderness for our God!’
–Isaiah 40:3 (CEB)
Advent is a time of expectation and hope. It’s a holy season to anticipate a brighter future, with endless possibilities. This is why I firmly believe that the church of Jesus Christ is in the “hope business.” We seek to offer a word of hope in the midst of a world consumed with chaos and confusion. The church has a high-calling to proclaim boldly the words of the prophet, Isaiah: “Prepare the way of the Lord!”
Have you ever reflected on the responsibility that comes with this declaration? The people of Israel had waited for hundreds of years for a Messiah, who would save them from their turmoil and suffering. Even though the people of Israel, as a whole, did not always obey God and remain hopeful, as they should, there remained among them a faithful group of people who were able to keep hope alive. Isaiah stands in the midst of a community that has lost hope and given up in despair, but yet, he proclaims with boldness that the time was coming in which God would save his people. 
We stand in this tradition of proclaiming a brighter future for our community. The commercialization of the holiday season has fooled us into thinking that all is bright and joyful, but in reality, people are suffering and hurting all around us. People are giving up on being hopeful every day. During this season, we should ask ourselves: What am I doing to be a “hope-barrier?” What am I doing to proclaim that God has promised to never leave us, nor forsake us? What am I doing to make the world a better place? The interesting thing about hope is that hope is contagious. If you share your hope for a better world with others, they too will catch this God-given vision.
Advent blessings,
Pastor Cowser

Worship Celebration

December 5, 2021

Join us for our Worship Celebration on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. via In-Person, or Facebook Live on the Center Grove United Methodist Church Facebook page.
You can also join our live streaming celebration via the following media outlets:

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFfMEFeWdt294sXw_EOH7jA
Church Website:  https://centergroveumc.org/
Vimeo:  https://vimeo.com/event/51681

Remember The Sick & Home-bound

Mrs. Gladys Jacobs
Mrs. Madgie Jamar
Ms. Marjorie Ewing
Mrs. Cora King
Ms. Theresa Hope
Mrs. Zena Love Hill
Mr. Carl Bradley
Mrs. Barbara Baker
Mr. Bobby Readus
Mrs. Ollie Gilliam
Pastor Ruth J. Smith
Mrs. Carla Larry

Rev. Carolyn Hillard

Mr. Matthew Baker

Community Information

Words of Encouragement

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